The Zhongshan Building, Kuala Lumpur
80A Jalan Rotan, Off Jalan Kampung Attap
50460 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Sunday: 12 - 6pm
Are you interested in viewing or purchasing art?
Don’t worry if you don’t know your way around a gallery! We can help you with that, feel free to just visit us or contact us.
Are you an artist or a curator?
We are currently on the lookout for new, exciting projects that engage and support dynamic and diverse practices, processes, and discourses, with an emphasis on contemporary visual arts. We invite interested curators, artists, and creatives to submit your curatorial proposals to
Are you looking for curatorial or art consultancy services?
Looking to curate a corporate art exhibition? Organise a CSR art event? Commission an art piece? Design a space with art incorporated into it? Through our parent company OUR ArtProjects, we provide a variety of advisory and professional services, offering a strategic and discreet approach. Do email us at